I know I know, I’ve been realllly slacking. I think all my energy for the last two months has been spent just soaking up Taiwan living, and adjusting. To be 100% honest, I expected for it to be a fairly smooth transition for me (being born here and having spent a lot of time here)…but in the
end, it’s still moving to a foreign country, and it was a big adjustment for me.
end, it’s still moving to a foreign country, and it was a big adjustment for me.
I think also because I had this image in my head of just a ton of time to hang out with Colton and my family and friends – well, breaking news Jamie: everyone works! So basically it was just me, sitting in my aunt’s apartment trying not to be homesick. I explored some, but nobody had time yet to show me around, tell me which buses to take, or how to navigate the MRT (subway system). Plus, I had no phone to use, and everybody back home was asleep (being the middle of the night during the day here).
So the first couple weeks, I was on a rollercoaster of emotions, some were great, don’t get me wrong, but let’s just say that Colt deserves an award for putting up with some of the lows haha.
But when we found our own place and eventually got into some sort of rhythm, I felt more comfortable. And now I go off and find things to do on my own, I know where to go for all my supplies and food. I can explore, meet people and just live it up. I’m so grateful for the apartment we found, it feels like a home.
It’s definitely been a growing experience, I’ve learned a lot about myself. One is that I like routine, or at least something to look forward to. I mean, I kind of knew this before, but man, not knowing if I was going to have anything to do the next day and thinking about just being stuck at home all alone – it was awful. But now I’ve got a great routine: wake up late, chillax with the hubs, he goes to work and I go to tutor for a couple hours, I go home and clean or watch some tv, when he gets home we hit the gym, and then find some sort of delicious street food for dinner and then we usually have hubby/wifey time like movie night or something, or we go to bed early and I edit pics in bed while he reads (I usually stay up until the wee hours of the morning haha). And repeat. But scattered in there is exploring Taipei, planning weekend trips, hanging out with the best cousins in the world, trying new things, moped adventures, etc.
But ok, enough about me, myself and I. Here are some highlight pics that hopefully capture a little of what we’ve had the joy of experiencing in our time here so far as well as some of my favorite things about Taiwan (note – to see all our Taiwan adventure pics, go to my Facebook page):

Dodging softball-sized spiders the entire way = nerves of steel
These are just snippits of what we've had going on the last two months. See my facebook for four albums of pictures (yes that's right, four albums in two months...at this rate, they might cancel my profile haha).
We miss everyone very much, but are so grateful for this experience. We hope to see some of you very soon! If you miss our adorable faces - join Skype and we can talk for free!! Yay technology.
Love you all - hope you feel it on the other side of the world!
Jamie (and Colton)
~ special shout out to our baby Finny...we miss you every single moment! :o)